Why ChatGPT will profoundly transform every marketing career, starting now


The ChatGPT struggle

I am a person who explores the edges. I experiment with every new technology so I can be a better consultant, teacher, and author. I recently plugged into something that gave me the same feeling as the electric moment I connected to the internet for the first time. It will change everything in social media and content creation.

About six years ago I attended a presentation at SXSW and saw an entire movie script written by AI. It was both beautiful and stunning. When would this technology creep into our every day social media experiences? Until now, this sophisticated AI has only existed in the complex world of coders and developers. But with the introduction of a new, user-friendly interface, anybody has access to this breathtaking technology. One million people signed up for ChatGPT by OpenAI in the first week.

OpenAI is a research laboratory dedicated to creating artificial general intelligence (AGI) that can benefit humanity. Their mission is to ensure that AGI is developed safely and responsibly and that its benefits are as widely and evenly distributed as possible. They are one of the leading organizations in the field of AI research, and its work has the potential to revolutionize many areas of society, from healthcare and education to transportation and energy.

This will also revolutionize the way content is created, distributed, and consumed. AI could help content creators create better and more engaging content, dramatically reduce the time needed to create content, and automate content creation. AI-generated content could help creators reach more people by helping them efficiently create content tailored to their target audience.

By the way, the last two paragraphs were created by ChatGPT.

One of the common arguments in marketing is that AI can never replace the human voice.


This technology levels the playing field and makes everybody an excellent content creator. In many cases, it is better than a “human voice” if that human is a lousy communicator.

example of chatgpt writing

In 2023, marketing and the marketing profession will be transformed. AI has been unleashed in a massive and practical way.

ChatGPT can do much more than just blogging and copywriting. It can generate images, ideas, answer questions, correct your copy, devise business plans, write poetry, provide sentiment analysis. I forecast that by the end of the year, it will provide audio and video production capabilities.

To help us navigate the meaning of all this, I turned to a revered tech analyst, Shelly Palmer. In a special edition of The Marketing Companion, I had the opportunity to pick the brain of an industry legend.

In this spellbinding interview, Shelly explains

  • Why ChatGPT “changes absolutely everything.”
  • How marketers can adopt a positive mindset and embrace the technology as an amplification of what we do best.
  • How this is similar to technical disruption in the music industry when thousands of people lost their jobs.
  • Here is the episode for your listening please and I have also included a transcript of our conversation.

Click to listen to Episode 259

Transcript of the ChatGPT interview with Shelly Palmer (edited for brevity)

Shelly Palmer on ChatGPT

Shelly Palmer

Mark Schaefer

I’ve been waiting for some company to pull the trigger and unleash artificial intelligence in a way that could be broadly applied to our businesses, our lives and our creative processes. That that came last week when OpenAi introduced a very user-friendly version of its GPT-3 technology called ChatGPT.

This quickly took the internet by storm. A million people signed up in the first five days and were instantly creating poetry, song lyrics, college-level essays, research papers, computer code, business plans, and more. When I tried this for the first time, it was like the moment that clicked onto the internet.

As I tested it, I had a feeling I was entering a vast new space of opportunity and perhaps peril. This is significant enough that I needed to create this special episode of the Marketing Companion, and enlist the help of my friend, Shelley Palmer to make sense of this development.

Unless you’re living in a cave, you probably know that Shelley is one of the most respected and innovative minds in the tech space. He’s an author. He’s also a very accomplished music composer and producer. He’s a revered tech analyst, keynote speaker and consultant. I recommend his newsletter all the time, and I also recommend his new venture Metacademy this is a resource everybody should try.

Shelly, I’m so honored to be talking to you today to help me unravel these new developments. Nice to be here. How are you? I’m great. I’m great.

Shelly Palmer

I think it’s me … or is this an AI version of me?

Mark Schaefer

In your livestream this week. You described your initial experience with ChatGPT as mind-blowing and profound. So I assume you agree with me that this is something we’re entering a new era?

Shelly Palmer

I think it’s become commercialized in a way that people are just warming up to it. Last year at CES, I wanted to I want to do a session about AI deep fakes and I specifically wanted to make a political commentary by leveraging Carl Sagan’s writings because Carl called out some of the things we’re into right now. decades in advance. Very smart guy with prescient views and brilliant insights, but sadly taken too young.

So he never said in a speech the passage I was interested in. What I did was I sent samples of his writing to a friend of mine with a very, very good speech replication AI model. And I gave him the passage I wanted that he had written but never spoken. And if you go to CES 21 dot Shellypalmer.com you’ll see a YouTube link to the 10-minute keynote. It includes this photo montage of Carl Sagan as he speaks his words in his voice –that he never spoke, but wrote. Now that was a year ago.

ChatGPT shows up last week on my doorstep. And all I’m dealing with is hundreds of texts, hundreds of email messages every single day. “This is chilling.” “This is awesome.” “This is unbelievable.” All the things you said in the intro.

I’m very familiar with this tool. And I’m very familiar with the people who are working on the model. And when I experimented with this current form, but I saw something I never thought I would see. And Mark, this is the part that I think changes absolutely everything. And I know that is a bold claim.

A changed human-machine partnership

I’ve been talking for years about how humans and machines will be partners that will become better where you and your AI co- worker will be a better than just you by yourself. There are certain things that humans are extremely good at and certain things that machines are extremely good at. If you put those two things together in a good way, you’ll get a superhuman.

chatgpt robotNow the analogy is generally like this: At the beginning of the Industrial Age, the steam shovel and steam engine amplified the capacity of our muscles 1000s of times, and the world around us is built substantially by those machines and skyscrapers. sure that somebody built pyramids, they probably didn’t have, you know, they have the steam shovels and steam engines, but you don’t build the Empire State Building with 1000s of people unless they have machines. You don’t build New York City as it sits here without those machines.

And I’ve always said metaphorically that AI amplifies our minds by 1000s of times. It is no more a replacement for us than a jackhammer is for the person who wields it.

But this is changed now. I go to ChatGPT and I say all right, write 200 words about what Facebook is warning that it could ban news in the US if Congress passes a bill that would require the platform to compensate publishers — in the style of Shelly Palmer.

I realized I’ve written over 19,000 blog posts in my life and while GBT doesn’t have access to all of the current internet, it’s read a ton of internet. Well, I got a ton of stuff in my style with my byline. So there’s a pretty decent chance it’s read some of it. and it turns out I was right. ChatGPT wrote like me:

As Facebook faces increasing pressure from lawmakers and regulators over its handling of misinformation and other controversial content, the company has warned that it could ban news altogether in the U.S. if Congress passes a bill that would require it to negotiate with and compensate publishers for their content.

The proposed Journalism Competition and Preservation Act would allow news publishers to collectively negotiate with online platforms such as Facebook and Google for compensation for their content, granting them an exemption from antitrust laws in the process.

Facebook argues that this bill would fundamentally change the relationship between the platform and publishers, potentially making it impossible for the company to continue offering news content on its platform. This warning serves as a reminder of the growing tensions between the tech industry and the news media, as they navigate the shifting landscape of digital content and advertising.

“I got scared”

This is what stopped me in my tracks. The proposed Journalism Competition and Preservation Act wasn’t mentioned in my query. The AI did the research that it needed to do — that I would have done — and paraphrased the question and stated the thesis for me. It’s a perfect five-paragraph essay. And it’s tight in a style like I would write it. So I instantly recognized it as something I would write … and Mark at that moment, I got scared. It was that simple. It was wow.

Mark Schaefer

It scares me a little too. And here’s why. I have my own instincts that I don’t necessarily trust. But I trust your instincts! And what you said in your rant: “I have been 80% replaced.” I have a friend who’s a marketing consultant. And five years ago, I asked him, “How worried are you about AI replacing you?” He said, “it’s five years away.” And I wrote him an email today — “you were right.” It was five years away.

Shelly Palmer

The word replace is interesting because right now, AI is a tremendous enhancement and a time saver, and it just increases productivity in such a profoundly beautiful way, like Wikipedia when it’s right. It’s right. And when it’s wrong, it’s really wrong. So it’s not doing your work for you. But remember, this is the first day of this right?

Mark Schaefer

I was testing it, and I actually got into a one-on-one chat with it. And it said, “Thank you for being patient with me. I’m still learning.” And I said, “What do you mean, you’re still learning?” and it said, “Well, I’m learning from you. I’m learning from every interaction.” So I think that’s one of the things that people are overlooking. We don’t need millions of developers to correct these mistakes. It’s correcting itself as it learns.

Shelly Palmer

That’s an important point. It needs to be slightly honed in the following way.

reaction to chatgptThere are different kinds of machine learning. There is supervised learning, which is precisely exactly what it sounds like there’s a big pile of data and you say I’m looking for a needle in a haystack is what the needle looks like OCD can find it. Okay, once you’ve learned what that is mostly how many more there are double just like it, how many look kinda like it. And supervised learning is an era of machine learning that we see often because very often you know what you’re looking for, but very often you got a monstrous amount of data.

What I mean by Big Data is 25,000 columns by 20 50 million rows. Right? If I give you a 10 by 10 spreadsheet and say Mr. Here’s a 10 by 10 spreadsheet about your business, it within seconds, you’re gonna go Oh, I understand this is blank. This is because you know your business. And if I’m describing your business in 10 columns and 10 rows, you will really have solid insights about what that is, whatever your business might be.

Once I get to 1000s of columns and millions of rows, you are human, you can’t interpret that so very often, we’re just looking for stuff and it’s more of an enhanced search than anything else. But there’s unsupervised learning where you say, hey, you know, there’s a big pile of data here. Go see if there’s anything interesting in there like you see any patterns and the computer goes in there looks all around and the AI model tries to figure out if they’re patterns of interest, whatever they may be, but all of these work when you are using machine learning or an artificial intelligence environment.

Baby training

The main way to train these models is what’s known as reinforcement learning and it works the same way that a newborn baby works metaphorically. A toddler picks up a rattle it shakes. It makes noise! Bangs it on the floor. The floor is hard. Bangs it on it’s head. Don’t want to do that again. Tries to eat it, all this trial and error stuff.

So deep learning and neural networks literally use that kind of reinforcement learning and so when we say the computer learns, it does learn. It can also forget because it has a limited storage capacity. They they can be taught to score things above other things. And this is the most important part, whether the programmers add too much bias to the model or whether it’s trained on bias information, it can be overtrained and trick and there are very profound examples of this.

Again, this is very early days. We’re learning how reinforcement learning and humans are learning and how reinforcement learning can be beneficial. It does learn one of the things you can do with ChatGPT, which I think is magnificent is if you have a like button after you’re done, you can put in what you would have written to make it better. That is training the model because now it knows what it wrote. And you can ask it to try again and try again. So ultimately, it gets really really better

Mark Schaefer

It’s obviously very good at taking a lot of data and fitting it into patterns, like a creator would. And so as I’m starting to think about the implications of this, if you’re a content creator, if you’re a copywriter, you’ve got to be pretty nervous right now.

And I’m even thinking about patterns in terms of my consulting practice. You know, one of the beautiful things about marketing is they are foundational elements that can be applied to lots of different problems. And that’s what AI is good at. So I wonder if you’ve had time to process this from a psychological perspective? It’s like, in one week, someone’s opened up Pandora’s box. It’s existential in some ways. How do I start to come to grips with this in terms of my career? Have you thought about this?

I'm not replaceable by ChatGPT

Shelly Palmer

You know, Mark, this is my lived experience. I’m one of the pioneers of electronic music. And I have an awful lot of patents. And I have an awful lot of hours in these experiences of career disruption.

Prior to 1982, if you wanted to do a session for a commercial or television music and you were putting a band together with a lot of musicians. Maybe even an orchestra in a studio. You have a rhythm section, string section, horn section; maybe they play together, or maybe they play separately. And you would also have singers.

By 1986, when digital music came on the scene, I could now play all the parts at a work station. The number of musicians that we were using went from 600 a year with maybe 90 singers down to about 300. In one year.

This is the most important part. A lot of people say, well, that’s not an example like AI. Well, it’s exactly like AI, because it’s just tools that are making work more efficient.

And so what I think is gonna happen here from our lived experience. This tool will dramatically enhance the capabilities of those who embrace it. It will hurt a lot of people who don’t … let’s say they will fall into lower-paying jobs!

ChatGPT will amplify creativity. If I want Frank Sinatra singing “New York, New York” hanging off the Empire State Building while battling King Kong and rescuing whoever, then AI draws it for you, or does the animation, or creates whatever you can dream.

This technology works. I think ChatGPT will empower people who have great ideas, terrible ideas, people with ideas but no skills other than their imagination. And I gotta tell you, unlocking the imagination of every person? I just think that’s awesome.

Mark Schaefer

That’s a great sentiment to wrap things up here. And I love what you’re saying. It’s such a great analogy for the early days of music that look; you’ve got to embrace it. I mean, you just can’t wait it out, and you can’t ignore it.

Spend one day being depressed because your job has changed. But the next day, come back ready to fight.

And creative skill and artistry will always matter. The most magnificent images coming out of AI are still manipulated by artists who really know what they’re doing. Most of my images still don’t have fingers or another key body part. The people with the greatest creative capacity aren’t going to go away. They will manipulate the technology, just like you did with music, in new and amazing ways.

You can choose to be scared of ChatGPT, or you can choose to be excited. I choose excited, and I hope you do, too.

Mark Schaefer is the executive director of Schaefer Marketing Solutions. He is the author of some of the world’s bestselling digital marketing books and is an acclaimed keynote speaker, college educator, and business consultant.  The Marketing Companion podcast is among the top business podcasts in the world. Contact Mark to have him speak at your company event or conference soon.

The post Why ChatGPT will profoundly transform every marketing career, starting now appeared first on Schaefer Marketing Solutions: We Help Businesses {grow}.


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BrandKnew is an amalgam of the very finest, distilled essence from all over the world put together in an easy to consume, reflect, apply manner. It articulates, suggests, disseminates, shares, educates, provokes, inspires brand owners and brand professionals to take the next logical step in realising their branding goals.

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