Thought Leader Brands and their After Thoughts? What are they thinking?


As a brand, you are already on a very high pedestal. You fall in the revered, ‘looked up to in awe’ (literally) category. You are the brand that sets industry trends, disrupts the category and expected to be the game changer. You lead while others invariably follow. You, the brand can do no wrong. Carrying the title Superbrands with aplomb. And then the drop of this bomb!


In recent weeks, we read the news about Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston being appointed as the brand ambassador of powerhouse iconic global airline brand Emirates. It’s certain, considering its pedigree, that the brand has thought long and hard about this strategy before becoming friends with the high flying Friends star. But, what stands to bemusement is that this comes just a few weeks after another major airline brand Etihad launched a multi media blitz with another Hollywood biggie Nicole Kidman as brand ambassador. Is there more to it than meets the eye or is it a case of birds of the same feather flocking together?  Amidst all this, lets not forget that the first salvo was fired by Emirates when it used football legend Pele as brand ambassador. What is the thought here? Who is following and who is leading? Definitely begs the question!

Would the strategy of using Hollywood celebrities as brand ambassadors get the Gulf based carriers more attention (and more passengers)? Time will tell. In the meanwhile, lets think who would be the next carrier to join the bandwagon!

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About Author

Suresh Dinakaran

Suresh Dinakaran is the Chief Storyteller at Dubai headquartered branding agency ISD GlobalManaging Editor of BrandKnew and FounderWeeklileaks. Feedback welcome at

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